Building Memories


Places can infuse a life of their own to certain gatherings. Because gardens inspire thoughts of new life, wedding parties are popularly held there. Where mountains provide calm, quiet and serenity, retreat houses and places of prayer abound. Definitely, the ambience of a place lends its own spirit to the gathering it hosts. Builders and designers are most aware of this fact. So what does a class of such builders and designers do when an important event occurs?

This year, the University of Santo Tomas - College of Architecture, Class 1983 holds its silver jubilee. To mark the occasion, this accomplished group of professionals decided to traipse down memory lane and chose a venue to help them do it. On Saturday, Nov. 22, the class will hold its homecoming party at the very retro bar, Chef and Brewer. Although the music may go back years before any of them saw school, they hope that the ambience will encourage them to bring back more recent memories. Then, too, they know that the food and the flowing beer will surely prop their collective reminiscence. In addition, being children of the disco era, they are sure to keep the dance floor rocking. The smaller venue will ensure that everyone is within hailing distance of everybody else, a must for any successful reunion of old friends.

Spearheading the organization of their celebration, the officers of Class ’83 are: Onet Limchoc, Mike Peña, Jojo Dayrit, Jun Cham, Dan Cura, and myself, as well as other committee members.

And what do these builders and designers share? Well, being young together allowed them to share in similar hopes and dreams. They remember the challenge of churning out plates and plates of drawings till the wee hours. They recall the trying times of mastering mathematical and engineering formulae, building codes, and even Spanish text. They look back with fondness on benevolent professors or still sweat nervously at the mention of terror teachers. They share a laugh at jokes as old as the hills shared in the canteen or the corridors. They swap anecdotes of friendships and love blooming -- and fading – between stretches of class hours. They begin to see how each of them has hoarded and culled these events into the persons they are today. Each is a precious memory, a vital part of who they have become.

As for myself, I can still remember the adrenaline rush I experienced the very first time I set foot in the College of Architecture and Fine Arts of the UST. I was pleased to be around a group of people who shared the same passion. What’s more I was thrilled that many of my new classmates were pretty girls! It was college heaven! And as the years flew on, I’ve discovered that most of my lasting friendships were founded on my college days.

Reunions come too infrequently. We should take advantage of opportunities such as these to touch base again with people who have shared an important time of one’s life. One can only be enriched by mingling and meeting as many classmates as you can. It’s a time for kindness and graciousness; no resentment or selfishness should be allowed. Neither is it the time to put oneself on a pedestal to be admired. All pretensions ought to be left at home because for this night with true friends, everyone knows each other for what they really are, where they really began.

Cheers to the UST Architecture Class of 1983! 

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