Senior Friendly Homes


“Old places and old persons in their turn, when spirit dwells in them, have an intrinsic vitality of which youth is incapable, precisely, the balance and wisdom that come from long perspectives and broad foundations.” -- George Santayana

In many Filipino homes today, we may find a member of the family, revered for his or her wisdom, entrusted with the supervision of our precious children, or simply regarded with fondness – the grandparent. Despite the apparent sophistication of today’s lifestyle, the quaint trait of respect for our elders remains strong.  Unlike in western cultures wherein older folks are shuttled off to nursing homes or retirement farms, the average Asian family still offers personal care and attention to its senior members.  For this reason, it may be a good idea to look at our homes and ensure that these are suitable for our beloved elders. 

One of the most basic factors we can suggest towards a senior-friendly abode is ensuring that the floors of our home are slip-free. Choose tiles that are textured, rather than smooth, to add traction for slippered feet. For outdoor living spaces, you may opt to treat your floors with a non-skid chemical coating available in local hardware stores that discourages the growth of mold and algae.

Stairs would need to have proper railings and banisters that are sturdy and easy to grip. If possible, build steps with a low rise in order to be kind to stiff limbs. Attend to loose rugs and carpets to avoid tripping accidents. In extreme cases, ramps may have to be installed for access to elevated areas and hallways must be cleared for wheelchair maneuverability. 

Naturally, rooms must be well ventilated, without being drafty, since older people are more susceptible to the cold. It is a good idea to allow sufficient sunlight in during the mellower daylight hours, not just to lend cheer to a room, but also to eradicate mustiness and damp. Lighting should be adequate at all times, including provision for nightlights and emergency lights. 

It would be ideal to install special toilet fixtures for wheelchair bound persons. However, if this is not possible, just make certain that bathroom floors are not slippery and that these are kept dry and clutter-free. A few well-placed bars and railings securely screwed on the walls may prove to be a big boon.  A stable seat placed right in the bathing stall may likewise be helpful for seniors.  Check that the chair is wide enough to seat the person fully and does not tip over easily.  In one retirement home for priests, the shower cubicles are narrower than usual, much like those in ship cabins.  This is so that the bather can lean easily from side to side for support.

Over and above these considerations, don’t forget that your senior has his or her own interests too, which must be supported and encouraged. Allow some space for him to engage in hobbies or pastimes that will help challenge his mind and keep him active. It doesn’t have to be a separate room, just a pleasant area that he can call his own. It could be an easy chair, a desk, or even a pocket garden!  If there is ample space in the yard, you may want to set up some railings for their daily outdoor walk.

You don’t have to spend too much to make your beloved senior happy.  In fact, any place filled with love and respect, where he still feels like an important part of the family, can be the perfect place for dear lolo and lola.  

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